Friday, May 8, 2015

My original thought for Fridays was Recap & Motivate.  I've decided to change it to Thoughtful Friday.  A day to review the week & share my random thoughts.  :)

What is on my mind this week is feeling beautiful.

Zoidberg - Your face is beautiful and you should feel beautiful

While, it's fantastic to feel comfortable in your completely natural state - no makeup, no jewelry, sweat pants & a t-shirt; I think it's important to enhance what you have.  Hold on - I'm not saying we aren't beautiful as we are.  Let me explain.

Let's be painfully truthful here.  The world outside of our homes & family absolutely judges us by how we look & how we carry ourselves.  It's not intentional, but it's reality.  A large degree of our competence is judged by how we look & how we present ourselves.  Unfortunately, it took me a long time to learn this.

If we want to be taken seriously, we have to look the part.  Period.

Does that mean we have to look like super models?  Of course not.  It means that before we leave the house, we do something to our hair.  Put on a little makeup.  Pay attention to what we're wearing. Wear some BLING!

It's not about conforming.  It's not about trying to be something we're not.  It's about feeling confident & not letting anything hold us back.  It's about being fierce (I realize that word is outdated, but I love it & going to use it anyway).  It's about being our best selves & demanding that those around us take notice.

Feeling confident, feeling beyond competent, feeling fierce.  Now THAT'S beautiful!

Have a beautiful weekend!

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