Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The American Dream

I discussed in an earlier post the reasons why Paparazzi is a solid choice for those entering the direct sales biz, but why direct sales at all?

Well, there are several reasons direct sales fits for so many people: budget for initial investment, time commitment, and freedom to name a few.

Part of the American dream, and why so many people have immigrated (and still are) to this country is the ability to start with nothing and create a success all of your own.  Owning your own business is freedom.  Freedom to work long hours, freedom to stress more than you ever thought you would, freedom to take large and/or small risks.  It's also freedom to be your own boss, make those executive decisions, learn accounting/marketing/customer service/team building (or use those already attained skills for yourself), and freedom to call your success your own.

Sounds amazing doesn't it?  The problem is the majority of us have a family to support, a mortgage to pay, car payments, credit card debt, etc.  It isn't always feasible or even responsible to just quit our jobs and borrow a ton of money to start a business.

With whichever direct sales business you choose, it's totally possible to work part-time with a low initial investment.  You can literally only work a few hours per week and simply make enough to pay a car payment.  The growth of your business is directly proportionate to the amount of time and effort spent on it.

Most direct sales companies have starter kits as low as $99 (Paparazzi included).  Others start between $100 - $200.  Most of them also have larger starter kits ranging up to $750, offering larger amounts of beginning inventory.  I started with a basic $99 kit.  After purchasing a starter kit, there are usually a few other things to spend money on.  Business cards, for one.  You'll probably need to have flyers and signs made, or make them yourself.  You can spread those things out, though.  Don't let your "upline" bully you into spending more than you're ready to.  Remember, it's YOUR business and you work for YOURSELF.  YOU make the decisions that are right for YOUR business.

I'm getting ahead of myself.  Next week, we'll talk about what to do once you've signed on and you're ready to get started.  I'm in the process of creating a business plan/guideline.  As time goes on, I will share with you my successes and failures; what works for me and what doesn't.

I'd love to hear your suggestions, as well.  Comment below, or feel free to email me.

If you'd like to learn more about joining my dream team, fill in the contact me boxes on the top right, or email me.

Have a great week!  :)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Trends Thursday

Move over silver - brass is the new metal of the moment!

I still love silver.  I do.  The brass pieces, though, have blown me away!  Rich coppery & gold love love!

Both pieces & more are available on my facebook business page!  Click on photos, then albums to see what's currently on hand.

Have a beautiful, BRASSY day & love YOUR bling!

Email me

Check out my website!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Change in Format Next Week

Good morning!

Today I want to tell you about some upcoming changes.  Starting next week, I'm going to move this format to my facebook business page with a few modifications: Motivation Monday, Tip Tuesday, Winner Wednesday, Trendy Thursday, and Fun Find Friday.

My blog is going to focus on training & motivating Paparazzi Consultants.  Not just the Dream Team, but everyone!  While I have BIG dreams for myself & my team, I also want to help everybody GET OUTSIDE OF THE BOX!

Lots more to come, so stay tuned...:)

Have a beautiful day & love YOUR bling!

Email Me

Shop Online

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Accessory Spotlight Tuesday

This week, the spotlight is shining on Dancing in the Desert!

Strands of Turquoise seed beads are looped through folded strands of rustic brown suede. Features an adjustable clasp closure.

The necklace follows along the unbalanced look that we talked about in last week's Trends Thursday.  It has an urban appeal as well.  I can see myself wearing this with jeans & my favorite ring:

Every time I look at this necklace (and the ring, :) ), I love it even more!

Shop my Facebook business page & message me to order or feel free to email me!

Have a beautiful Tuesday & love YOUR bling!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Contest Monday

It's time for another contest!  This week is even easier.  All you have to do is comment on my blog at least ONCE this week!   All commentators will be entered into a drawing for FREE BLING!!!

The drawing will be held on Fri, 5/22/15.  What a way to kick off Memorial Day weekend!  :)

Have a beautiful Monday & love YOUR bling!

Shop online

Like my facebook page!

Feel free to leave a comment!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Thoughtful Friday

What's on my mind this week is individual style.

You hear it all the time, "Be your own kind of beautiful".  I love the way that sounds, but what does it mean?  How do you put it into practice?

While we may follow fashion trends, that doesn't mean that we must look like everyone else.  We can put our own twist on what's currently "in".  That sounds great, and some women (& men) are fantastic at it.  I'm not one of those people.  I am one of those that buys already put together outfits in department stores, because I'm just not talented at putting things together.  I'm working on it.  I'm getting better.  :)

One of the reasons I started wearing Paparazzi is because they make this so easy for me.  They only produce a certain number of each style.  When it's sold out, it's sold out (except for the blockbusters). So, while I'm still following fashion trends, I have yet to see anyone wearing the same jewelry that I am!  Pretty cool, right?  I think so!

For instance, on this week's Trends Thursday, the topic was the unbalanced look.  Paparazzi has many pieces that follow that trend. However, since there are a limited number of each style, we can all wear the look and still be different!  Easy peasy, as my father-in-law would say.  Lol.

"Be your own kind of beautiful" - I like that.  I love that people like me can actually pull it off!

Have a beautiful weekend & love YOUR bling!

Join the conversation & leave a comment!  Do you like my blog?  Please subscribe in the top left corner!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Trends Thursday

The trend I'd like to discuss this week is the unbalanced look.

According to Harper's Bazaar, "Whether off in color or asymmetrical in shape or length, the beauty is found in the irregularity." (2015)

This look can be somewhat uncomfortable to embrace for those of us who are a little OCD, ;) but I have found that it's a great expression of who I am.  I may be a little (or a lot) off balance - but I am beautiful, unique, and interesting.  I'm worth a second look!

Everyone loves a statement piece, and this is it!  Depending on the style of the piece, your unbalanced look can be soft and demure, bold and sassy, or classy and romantic - all while drawing the interest you deserve!

The pieces I've shown are in my current on hand inventory.  Contact me to order (see my contact info page).  Also check out other great unbalanced (or balanced) accessories here.

Do you like the unbalanced look?  What other jewelry trends do you love?  I want to know your thoughts!  Please share them with me by commenting on this post.

Have a great day & love YOUR bling!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Business Opportunity Wednesday

Today, we're going to talk about, you guessed it - the amazing biz opportunity that Paparazzi has to offer.

Did you know that Avon has 5.8 million reps?  Mary Kay has 3 million reps.  Talk about a saturated market.  I bet we all know at least one person who sells each of those lines of products.  Both of those companies have been around for years & have done very well.  Can you imagine if you had joined one of them in their first few years of business?  Wow!

Paparazzi Accessories started 4 years ago in 2011.  We currently have less than 31,000 consultants.  Think about that for a minute.  You could possibly be the first consultant in your area to sell amazing $5 jewelry & hair accessories.  The ability to introduce a line of gorgeous & affordable, accessories that will attract a multitude of customers, with little or no competition, is where it's at.  That's how people make money.

Let me be clear.  THIS IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME!  What this is, is a solid opportunity to build and grow an income-generating business.  The potential is truly unlimited.  You get out of it what you put in.  Taking the saturated market out of the equation, simply widens the income growth opportunity.

I love Avon & Mary Kay.  I have used their products a lot over the years.  They just can no longer offer the level of opportunity I'm looking for.  Bottom line - I joined the direct sales industry with BIG dreams & BIG motivation.  I'm taking this as far as I can go.  I love Paparazzi.  I love the products we sell & I love the BIG opportunity we offer.

Are you willing to put in the work & effort it takes to be successful?  Are you ready to push yourself to be more than you ever imagined possible?  If you are, join Jenny's Dream Team & see what the Paparazzi party is all about!  Complete the contact form on this blog or email me.  I will provide you with all the training & resources you need to make YOUR dreams come true.  LET'S DO THIS!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Accessory Spotlight Tuesday

This week's spotlight is shining on one of my favorite necklaces - SCARFed for Attention!  The necklace comes in gold or silver.  I have the silver necklace in my personal collection.

A single strand of spiraling, interlocking links with light-catching texture is anchored by two tassels of chain that add dramatic length to the piece. Undeniably the most versatile piece in Paparazzi's history, the scarf necklace features FIVE different ways to accessorize: Open Layer, Loop, Traditional Wrap, Double Knot, and Nautical Knot.  You can also wear it as a belt!

How cute is that?  With a $5 price tag, it's even cuter!

SCARFed for Attention is available on my website,  You can view other amazing items I have on hand on my Facebook page,

Love YOUR bling!

Monday, May 11, 2015

It's Contest Monday!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Mother's Day!

Everybody likes contests, right?  I want to hear your thoughts, so here is this week's fun:

All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog each day of this week through Thursday!  That's it!  Leave a comment on Monday (today), Tuesday (tomorrow), Wednesday, & Thursday.

Each person who comments all week will be entered into a drawing for a free piece of Paparazzi jewelry!  The drawing will be held & the winner announced on Friday, 5/15/15.

Good luck & LOVE YOUR BLING!!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

My original thought for Fridays was Recap & Motivate.  I've decided to change it to Thoughtful Friday.  A day to review the week & share my random thoughts.  :)

What is on my mind this week is feeling beautiful.

Zoidberg - Your face is beautiful and you should feel beautiful

While, it's fantastic to feel comfortable in your completely natural state - no makeup, no jewelry, sweat pants & a t-shirt; I think it's important to enhance what you have.  Hold on - I'm not saying we aren't beautiful as we are.  Let me explain.

Let's be painfully truthful here.  The world outside of our homes & family absolutely judges us by how we look & how we carry ourselves.  It's not intentional, but it's reality.  A large degree of our competence is judged by how we look & how we present ourselves.  Unfortunately, it took me a long time to learn this.

If we want to be taken seriously, we have to look the part.  Period.

Does that mean we have to look like super models?  Of course not.  It means that before we leave the house, we do something to our hair.  Put on a little makeup.  Pay attention to what we're wearing. Wear some BLING!

It's not about conforming.  It's not about trying to be something we're not.  It's about feeling confident & not letting anything hold us back.  It's about being fierce (I realize that word is outdated, but I love it & going to use it anyway).  It's about being our best selves & demanding that those around us take notice.

Feeling confident, feeling beyond competent, feeling fierce.  Now THAT'S beautiful!

Have a beautiful weekend!

Shop here & feed YOUR $5 habit!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Welcome to my blog!

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Jenny Littlejohn.  I live in the Lake of the Ozarks, MO area with my husband & our little dog.

This is me:

It's nice to meet you!

I am in LOVE  with Paparazzi Accessories and recently took my love to a new level & began selling it.  Here are the reasons for my choice:

Wearing accessories instantly elevates any outfit.
Accessorizing makes me feel glam.  :)
Feeling glam makes me feel confident.  :)  :)
Paparazzi Accessories are only $5 per piece (!), which fits every budget.

Okay, so I love bling & I love Paparazzi.  So, why go all out & start selling it?  Well, I also have a dream.  I dream of being more than I ever believed I could be.  I dream of being super successful FOR MYSELF.  I dream of life balance.

You see, I've worked in the hospitality industry for many years.  I worked 50-60 hours per week making someone else the big bucks.  I sacrificed a lot of family time in pursuit of making someone else rich.  I still work that many hours, but now it's for myself & I schedule my work hours around home & family.  Best of all - IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!!

I have several reasons for starting this blog.  Obviously, I hope to broaden my reach.  I also hope to educate others about the joys of accessorizing.  I plan to blog about the direct selling industry & address both, the hype & the reality.

Beginning next week, I'll have a different topic each day.  I'm nothing, if not organized, lol.  This is how I picture it:

Contest Monday
Accessory Spotlight Tuesday
Business Opportunity Wednesday
Trends Thursday
Recap & Motivation Friday

Yes, I'm going to promote my business on this blog.  I'll do my best to make it informative & entertaining as well.  I welcome all comments & suggestions.

Welcome & thank you for following me!

Feel free to email me at

Please visit my website to shop & feed your own $5 habit!