Friday, May 15, 2015

Thoughtful Friday

What's on my mind this week is individual style.

You hear it all the time, "Be your own kind of beautiful".  I love the way that sounds, but what does it mean?  How do you put it into practice?

While we may follow fashion trends, that doesn't mean that we must look like everyone else.  We can put our own twist on what's currently "in".  That sounds great, and some women (& men) are fantastic at it.  I'm not one of those people.  I am one of those that buys already put together outfits in department stores, because I'm just not talented at putting things together.  I'm working on it.  I'm getting better.  :)

One of the reasons I started wearing Paparazzi is because they make this so easy for me.  They only produce a certain number of each style.  When it's sold out, it's sold out (except for the blockbusters). So, while I'm still following fashion trends, I have yet to see anyone wearing the same jewelry that I am!  Pretty cool, right?  I think so!

For instance, on this week's Trends Thursday, the topic was the unbalanced look.  Paparazzi has many pieces that follow that trend. However, since there are a limited number of each style, we can all wear the look and still be different!  Easy peasy, as my father-in-law would say.  Lol.

"Be your own kind of beautiful" - I like that.  I love that people like me can actually pull it off!

Have a beautiful weekend & love YOUR bling!

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